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4 lutego 2020, 16:53

pedagogika. The school and the teacher in the period of chanhe

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pedagogika. The school and the teacher in the period of chanhe
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In the current social situation it is both school roles and the means of educational operation that are subject to change. School generates internal changes and reacts to transformations in various fields outside. It should foster the development of an individual, his/her attitudes and skills that constitute conceptual, critical and creative thinking as well as his/her ability to manage own development and the choice of life path. It is to introduce values into the world, pass on and popularize the achievements of science and disseminate cultural wealth. (…)School is becoming a strategic institution for the society that is informational, knowledge-based and engaged in lifelong learning. The core of its existence lies not only in knowledge transfer, but most importantly in teaching the skill of living in a world of multiplicity and informational contradictions as well as in a world of conflict of values and interests. (…)In the new educational context the teacher is assigned the role of a creator and executor of changes in the educational process. (…)Creative and engaged in the transformation processes, the teacher is becoming the pillar of modern school and faces new tasks meant to make school more attractive and equip students with tools necessary to understand the learning society (…)This publication is divided into two parts. The first part depicts the transformations that determine the operation of contemporary school and education. The problems presented magnify the issues of social and educational changes that take place in the contemporary school. It reveals the challenges that a school faces and describes the transformations of its model which facilitate completion of new tasks. The second part depicts matters that pertain to changes and challenges associated with professional activity of a teacher. He/she should organize the didactic-educational process according to the modern principles of education policy and practice as well as effectively fulfill the roles and tasks that lead to creative participation in social life. The teacher should also show young individuals the way to independence and responsibility in seeking and understanding their own place in the world. The articles presented here have been previously published in Polish journals and collective works. They have been elaborated and modified to consider the changing educational realities. The need to compile these papers so that the presented reflections may be synthesized and may encourage continuous exploration and the necessity to improve school operation and teacher activity are beyond dispute. The publication is addressed to all those who are interested in school and teacher activity in a time marked by dynamic social changes. Therefore, the readership is likely to include those who are professionally associated with education – teachers, school principals, subject instructors, research workers, members of the school supervisory body and educational administrators as well as current and prospective students in teacher training institutions. Due to the social importance of the issues discussed here, the publication may become a source of inspiration to all Readers who are interested in school improvement and pedagogical progress and independently seek innovative solutions in this matter.

pedagogika. The school and the teacher in the period of chanhe
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Preface We are living in a time of perpetual and profound change that compels us to set and achieve new goals, acquire new competences and overcome new obstacles. Changeability that creates the image of the contemporary world encompasses all aspects of social life. The ways that determine our future – communicating, learning, living, working and entertainment – are undergoing changes. And in order to cope with these changes society must be prepared to solve both individual and society-wide problems. School is to be a contributing factor in this preparation as it constitutes the main element of the educational change and is an important environment for maturing children and youth. It is also an educational and culture-making community for parents and the local community. In the current social situation it is both school roles and the means of educational operation that are subject to change. School generates internal changes and reacts to transformations in various fields outside. It should foster the development of an individual, his/her attitudes and skills that constitute conceptual, critical and creative thinking as well as his/her ability to manage own development and the choice of life path. It is to introduce values into the world, pass on and popularize the achievements of science and disseminate cultural wealth. In the school practice and model several aspects should dominate: multifaceted activity, subjectivity, individualization of the teaching process, collaboration between all the subjects, self-management and equality of opportunity. School is becoming a strategic institution for the society that is informational, knowledge-based and engaged in lifelong learning. The core of its existence lies not only in knowledge transfer, but most importantly in teaching the skill of living in a world of multiplicity and informational contradictions as well as in a world of conflict of values and interests. Finding a place in the new educational reality is a challenge also for the teacher, who is expected to be independent, demonstrate a high degree of pedagogical and psychological knowledge and exhibit creativity in organizational, executive and evaluative competences. In the new educational context the teacher is assigned the role of a creator and executor of changes in the educational process. It is the teacher’s educational background, personal qualifications and motivation to act that determine the effects of the didactic and educational work of school. Creative and engaged in the transformation processes, the teacher is becoming the pillar of modern school and faces new tasks meant to make school more attractive and equip students with tools necessary to understand the learning society. The process of educational changes and school improvement demands from the teacher the capability of self-reflection. It also requires self-evaluation of the effectiveness of undertaken activities in the past and is the basis for planning further professional development. It is expected that the teacher should become a student adviser and partner in searching values, gaining knowledge and developing skills and competences. The high level of pedagogical culture, organizational culture and professional competence should have a positive impact on developing interests and aptitudes of students and facilitate communication with other teachers, students, their parents and the local community. Forming transparent social bonds that would give individuals a sense of security, belonging and purpose and empowering individuals to function well in new circumstances are indispensable. Understanding the world – managing self is the motto of contemporary education. It encompasses a wide range of rights and obligations of all subjects of education. Understanding this and the willingness to collaborate will define the image of the Polish school of the 21st century. The modern teacher should facilitate exploration of the realistic world and present its complexity and its complicated ways of functioning. Through promoting innovative learning, which to a large degree is replacing adaptive education, it is possible to exert influence on this world. This publication is divided into two parts. The first part depicts the transformations that determine the operation of contemporary school and education. The problems presented magnify the issues of social and educational changes that take place in the contemporary school. It reveals the challenges that a school faces and describes the transformations of its model which facilitate completion of new tasks. The second part depicts matters that pertain to changes and challenges associa-ted with professional activity of a teacher. He/she should organize the didactic-educational process according to the modern principles of education policy and practice as well as effectively fulfill the roles and tasks that lead to creative participation in social life. The teacher should also show young individuals the way to independence and responsibility in seeking and understanding their own place in the world. The articles presented here have been previously published in Polish journals and collective works. They have been elaborated and modified to consider the changing educational realities. The need to compile these papers so that the presented reflections may be synthesized and may encourage continuous exploration and the necessity to improve school operation and teacher activity are beyond dispute. The publication is addressed to all those who are interested in school and teacher activity in a time marked by dynamic social changes. Therefore, the readership is likely to include those who are professionally associated with education – teachers, school principals, subject instructors, research workers, members of the school supervisory body and educational administrators as well as current and prospective students in teacher training institutions. Due to the social importance of the issues discussed here, the publication may become a source of inspiration to all Readers who are interested in school improvement and pedagogical progress and independently seek innovative solutions in this matter.

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Pobieranie, zwielokrotnianie, przechowywanie lub jakiekolwiek inne wykorzystywanie treści dostępnych w niniejszym serwisie - bez względu na ich charakter i sposób wyrażenia (w szczególności lecz nie wyłącznie: słowne, słowno-muzyczne, muzyczne, audiowizualne, audialne, tekstowe, graficzne i zawarte w nich dane i informacje, bazy danych i zawarte w nich dane) oraz formę (np. literackie, publicystyczne, naukowe, kartograficzne, programy komputerowe, plastyczne, fotograficzne) wymaga uprzedniej i jednoznacznej zgody Wirtualna Polska Media Spółka Akcyjna z siedzibą w Warszawie, będącej właścicielem niniejszego serwisu, bez względu na sposób ich eksploracji i wykorzystaną metodę (manualną lub zautomatyzowaną technikę, w tym z użyciem programów uczenia maszynowego lub sztucznej inteligencji). Powyższe zastrzeżenie nie dotyczy wykorzystywania jedynie w celu ułatwienia ich wyszukiwania przez wyszukiwarki internetowe oraz korzystania w ramach stosunków umownych lub dozwolonego użytku określonego przez właściwe przepisy prawa.Szczegółowa treść dotycząca niniejszego zastrzeżenia znajduje siętutaj